THREE axiom-like fundamental truths as important for Vedanta as Newton’s laws of motion for science:
II – 16; IV – 24; XVIII – 20
Reality vs. Unreality
Everything is Brahman;
Equanimity for everything and every one, always and everywhere.
2. FOUR Maxims which are indispensable for an authentic understanding of the Gita:
II – 14: Transience of every experience
II – 21: Actionlessness of the supreme
III -17 & IV – 14 for a beginning and many others: Actionlessness of the Self
3. FIVE Teachings of Krishna for all of us
U1: Sense-control or Yoga-sAdhanA
U2: Yajna attitude for all work
U3: Undivided Faith in a non-dual Absolute
U4: Total Surrender to the Divine
U5: Brhma-bhAva
4. THIRTY-TWO shlokas on the attributes of a brahma-jnAni (One who has the realisation to be in Brahman), an exemplary devotee, and a GuNAtIta (one who has transcended the three guNas) that have made the B.G. a must-read scripture even for non-Hindus.
II-55 to 72; XII-13 to 20 and XIV-22 to 27