(Kanchi Maha-Swamigal’s Discourses)
ADVAITA SADHANA by kanchi mahaperiava of the 20th century.
Acknowledgement of Source Material:
Ra. Ganapthy’s ‘Deivathin Kural’ (Vol.6) in Tamil published by Vanathi Publishers, 4th edn. 1998
URL of Tamil Original:
English rendering : V. Krishnamurthy
1. Essence of the philosophical schools
2. Advaita is different from all these.
3. Appears to be easy – but really, difficult
5. Takes time but effort has to be started
9. Eligibility for Aatma-SAdhanA
10. Apex of Saadhanaa is only for the sannyAsi !
11. Why then tell others,what is suitable only for Sannyaasis?
12. Two different paths for two different aspirants
13. Reason for telling every one
15. Knowledge of advaita basic requirement for every one
16. Nitya-anitya-vastu-vivekam:
(Discrimination between the permanent and the ephemeral)
18. The Sextad of treasurable qualities
21. Titikshhaa (Patience, Endurance)
22. Shraddhaa (Faith / Dedication)
24. Who is qualified to receive the teaching of the Upanishads?
26: The sextad of the paramAtmA and the sextad of the JIvAtmA
27. Mumukshhu-tvaM (Longing for moksha)
28. Why is the ultimate stage termed as ‘Release’ and nothing more?
29. Mumukshhu: Definition by the Acharya
30. Mumukshu – Base level & intermediate level
32. Ancient Scriptures and the Acharya on mumukshhu
33. The four components of the armour of spirituality
34. Prior to the three components of the third stage
35. Bhakti and its place in the path of jnAna
40. What is the object of Love of an Atma-sAdhaka?
41. Nirguna Bhakti and Saguna Bhakti
43. To remove the conceit of the ego
44. Two stages of ego in sAdhanA
46. The NaaDis of the heart: JnAni’s life rests, Other’s lives leave
47. Correct meaning of Death in Uttaraayana
48. Two different results of Karma-yoga
49. The NaaDi that goes to the head: Mistaken Notion
50. Bhakti of the path of JnAna superior to Bhakti of the path of Bhakti
50. Atman full of life, Not just an Abstraction
51. Bhakti of the path of JnAna, enunciated by the Veda itself
54. JnAna itself is Bhakti: Krishna
57. Chain of linked names in Vishnu-sahasranAmam
58: SHravANAm ET AL – Vedic Commandment
59. ShravaNam and SushruushhA (Respectful Service)
60. Is an enlightened guru available?
61. Involvement in one single goal
62. ShravNa, Manana, NidhidhyAsana – Characteristics
63. Penultimate stage to siddhi
64. Manana that transcends intellect; Nidhidhyaasana that transcends mental feeling
65. To be rid of two wrong conceptions
66. Greatness of Manana & NidhidhyAsana
67. Worm becoming the wasp; Making the worm a wasp
68: What is to be done immediately?